GYN Cytology (Pap Smears)



We recommend that cervical smears for cytology be collected with both a spatula and a cytobrush (combination method), or broom for optimum sampling of the cervix.  All smears for cytology must be fixed immediately with an alcohol base spray fixative. 


Preparation and fixation of slides: Seconds count for the optimal fixation of cells.  Before taking the smear, have the spray fixative ready, lid removed, and do a quick spray or two to be sure the nozzle is not clogged.  Pre-label the slide(s) with the patient's full name by using a pencil to write across the frosted end of the slide.  Do not use pens or markers since patient identification may disappear during processing.


·         With the collecting instrument, transfer the collected material to the pre-labeled glass slide, and spread it in a thin film over the slide. 

·         IMMEDIATELY spray the prepared smear with spray fixative.  Spray lightly but thoroughly, so that the slide is wet.  Hold the spray bottle at least 8-12 inches from the slide.

·         Allow the smear to dry and place fixed slide in a slide holder.


Slides for hormone effect should be made from the midlateral vaginal wall and labeled "V" along with the patient’s name.  All GYN cytology smears must be accompanied by a GYN cytology requisition form, complete with all the requested patient information.



GYN Cytology (ThinPrep Specimens)



·         Prior to obtaining the sample, write the patient’s first and last name on the PreservCyt Solution vial.  Proper patient identification is mandatory.

·         For proper evaluation of the specimen, the demographic information and patient history section of the requisition form should be completed in its entirety. 

·         After the sample is collected:

a.        Rinse the brush as quickly as possible in the PreservCyt Solution by rotating the brush in the solution 10 times while pushing against the PreservCyt vial wall.  Swirl the brush vigorously to further release material.  Discard the brush.

b.       Rinse the spatula as quickly as possible into the PreservCyt Solution vial by swirling the spatula vigorously in the vial 10 times.  Discard the spatula.

c.        If using a broom collection device, rinse the broom as quickly as possible into the PreservCyt Solution vial by pushing the broom into the bottom of the vial 10 times, forcing the bristles apart.  Finally, swirl the broom vigorously to further release material.  Discard the collection device.

·         Tighten the cap so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial.

·         Place the PreservCyt Solution vial into a biohazard bag.  Zip the bag to ensure proper closure.  Insert the completed request form in the outside pocket of the biohazard bag.   Mail or transport by courier to Northern Plains Laboratory.